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Thread: What Is A Muffler Bearing?

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2008-01-30 05:43:28
What Is A Muffler Bearing?
the question has plagued our community n00bs for several years now. well, i have the answer for you.

this is a muffler bearing:

FACT: a turbocharger reduces noise and therefore is technically a muffler
FACT: there are bearings in the CHRA. typically there is one for the compressor side and one for the exhaust side.

SO if we refer to the turbine as a muffler and there is a bearing on the exhaust side of the CHRA, then we have a muffler bearing.

as created by sqd, gt2871blubird, and prodrifter
2008-01-30 05:48:29
Brilliant. I 100% agree with this.
2008-01-30 05:52:42
you son of a bitch.................now there is accual meaning.
2008-01-30 05:54:11
i was there when boredom turned into actual technical info! LOL
2008-01-30 06:01:11
Heh well that works for me I guess.
2008-01-30 22:02:45
bump for more opinions on this.
2008-01-30 22:19:39

now im going to use this and when everyone else laughs i get to be a smart ass technical prick
2008-01-30 22:33:09
there has always been a factual muffler bearing - although your definition is a little funnier.

volvos have muffler bearings. its what they actually call their rubber muffler hangers.
2008-01-30 22:45:35
I love snails!
2008-01-30 22:54:09
whats next blinker fluid, iv used that as saying, "oh maybe ur muffler bearings are bad" to be funny or twards someone who doesnt know what they are talking about

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