Originally Posted by beto
so if I understand correctly with the boost controller on u got 8psi but couldnt boost it up right? but you unplugged the vacum line to the wastegate so that the wastegate will remain closed and boost it up to all the turbos capability but you only got 3psi?
thats weird, id say ur wastegate is ****ed...
so if I understand correctly with the boost controller on u got 8psi but couldnt boost it up right? but you unplugged the vacum line to the wastegate so that the wastegate will remain closed and boost it up to all the turbos capability but you only got 3psi?
thats weird, id say ur wastegate is ****ed...
yeah thats why im stumped on this one I have a turbo integra and bmw and none of them have had a problem like this.
Granted this is my first internal wastegate setup still i figure if you unhook everything from the diaphram and leave it wide open it would boost the hell out of the car.