^Factory stock ECU + safc? Not even base maps for the injectors and maf?
We have done this many times. We have tuned some turbo cars using the stock DE ECU. Keep in mind that with the S-AFC you can program it to use different MAFs and what not. If the ECU is programmed for 370's you can tune up to 50% higher from there on the injectors and so on.
Obviously NA ECU's have more timing so we just set base timing back. NA ECU's on small turbo cars work great with a S-AFC. I had a friend with a stock UK DE with a T-28. The car made 301 whp at 15 psi on stock cams with a DE ECU and a S-AFC. Car ran like a raped ape for years. This all on pump gas.
So two things proven. A 10:1 motor on boost at 15 psi on pump gas and tuned on a DE ECU and a S-AFC.
People will argue this all day but, those are the people who have never done it.