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Thread: Coolant Temp Sensor Question

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2009-10-19 18:52:19
Coolant Temp Sensor Question
Are all SR coolant temp sensors the same? I can't seem to find a CTS for a bluebird/avenir but found a bunch for S13/S14's and just regular SR20DEs. I got an Avenir SR20DET and need a CTS pretty bad, but wasnt sure if any of those would work.
2009-10-19 19:09:38
they aren't all the same. the b13 and b14's are different (one's blue one's red) what you should do is pull up my fsm post on the forum, download the fsm for the car you got the engine from, the car you got your replacement cts sensor from and look at the tolerances, voltages, and resistances.
2009-10-19 19:30:45
you need the sensor to match your ecu. so unless your runing an avenir ecu get the b13 sensor.
2009-10-19 19:57:10
Originally Posted by canx2k
they aren't all the same. the b13 and b14's are different (one's blue one's red) what you should do is pull up my fsm post on the forum, download the fsm for the car you got the engine from, the car you got your replacement cts sensor from and look at the tolerances, voltages, and resistances.

Alright, I'll check it out right now, thanks
2009-10-20 04:26:39
b13 b14 b15 all have the same rezistance per temp . all have diffrent connectors
it is best to use the ect that matches your ecm

all jap sensors have diffrent values per temps both for the gauge and the ecm

the threads are all the same so installing usa sensors on jap engines is no prob

you can open 10 new oem ect sensors and you will get 10 diffrent values even new high quallity will vary
2009-10-20 06:29:17
So does anyone have any ideas? Should i just pull the old one out and compare and try to find the same color one online? Honestly,Idont know much about my ECU, all i know is the guy that had the car before me sent it to Calum.
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