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Thread: I just bent a rod....

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2009-10-17 19:10:44
I just bent a rod....

Sorry I could not resist jejeje
Sorry admins you can delete this.
2009-10-17 19:19:19
2009-10-17 19:22:55
2009-10-17 23:47:00
would take a hell of a motor to bend that beast.
2009-10-18 00:12:40
Don't you wish our motors had allowed us to remove sections of crank!?
2009-10-18 00:13:36
Originally Posted by nsusammyeb
would take a hell of a motor to bend that beast.

or he-man
2009-10-18 00:20:51
Haha, just out of curiousity, what is this out of? And did you actually "bend" it or did you find it on google images?
2009-10-18 00:29:59
Looks like it's out of a prime power production diesel generator.
2009-10-18 00:39:16
An Idea:

2009-10-18 00:51:21
i'd like to see the piston in that thing, or just the wrist pin....
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