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Thread: dual valve springs

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2009-10-16 20:47:14
dual valve springs
What's the deal with these dual valve springs?? Pretty expensive are they really worth the change?

www.IPG-Supertech.com - Supertech Performance Dual Valve Spring and Titanium Retainer Packages for Nissan SR20DE, SR20DET
2009-10-16 21:06:05
I guess if I'm looking to rev to 9k huh?
2009-10-16 21:52:11
Supertech Race Dual Valve Spring Kit, SR20

Its not just springs. Its springs, retainers, spring locators.
2009-10-16 22:51:26
The dual springs are only really needed for running all out race cams though correct? My motor is not built at the moment and revving to 9k+ would wreak some havoc. Staying at 7800 rpms with some bc springs would probably work fine for now.
2009-10-16 23:37:20
Revving to 9k is good of you make power to 9k if your only makng power to 7k on a pretty much stock car it's useless
2009-10-16 23:41:09
BC dual valve springs are good for like 10k I thought, no?
2009-10-17 00:18:55
running a decent turbo on a log manifold, set up is in my signature. Building a head is no problem but will the rotating assembly on a stock motor keep up with 9k+?
2009-10-17 00:23:49
Originally Posted by nsusammyeb
running a decent turbo on a log manifold, set up is in my signature. Building a head is no problem but will the rotating assembly on a stock motor keep up with 9k+?

well i personally i would previsions for a higher revving motor, however you will definitly need supporting mods to even make power up there. such as camshafts,intake manifold,turbo that is going to make power up there.

as for the motor keeping up, getting the block blue printed balanced rotated,having the rotation assembly lightened wouldnt hurt,lighter crank pullies,light flywheel ect ect ect
2009-10-17 01:18:00
This turbo should make decent power, need to look up the specs on it. head is p&p, supertech valves, and not sure about s&r's yet, with bc2's at the moment. As far as intake manifold...maybe you could work on that for me?? I have a spare block that i'm going to work on building but in the meantime I'll be running stock internals w/ the built head.
2009-10-17 01:49:16
Originally Posted by nsusammyeb
The dual springs are only really needed for running all out race cams though correct? My motor is not built at the moment and revving to 9k+ would wreak some havoc. Staying at 7800 rpms with some bc springs would probably work fine for now.

Why only to 7800???? I would run mine to 8500 with BC S/R and BC STG3 cams. Still making power on the dyno when I backed the rev limiter back down to 8krpm.
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