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Thread: Turbo Manifold Sneak Peak! READY TO PRODUCE!

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2008-01-23 16:27:47
I want to know how this thing will fit with a KOYO RAD in front of it........ I'm also waiting on the wastegate update.
2008-01-23 16:59:40
WG = no big deal...should be easy. It will fit with no problem.
2008-01-23 18:39:42
Originally Posted by sniper571
We are not going for a perfect flowing EQL race mani,..... if we were thats what we would have made! Can somebody tell me what Protech sells their EQL race mani for?

We are just trying to present a quality product that basically the price fits into most guys range on this forum....There are always points of argument or more just contsructive criticism, which is openly welcomed by me. But what is needed is something that performs and you can afford. And I can definitely gaurantee this mani making more than a log mani. As efficient as protech's EQL race mani? Maybe not, but more affordable I think so with extremely high quality!

Relax dude. I was just making a technical comment. Afterall, you did reply back to Miko's comment.

I was just making a point why the firing order does matter even in a turbo application. Did I not mention that your manifold is fairly priced? I wasn't arguing the quality or the price of the manifold.
2008-01-23 19:30:56
We are thankful for all the constructive criticism that everyone is putting out there. Thanks for the interest! Now down to business. This manifold was build in like 2 hours, there was no design drawn up, it just came together. After we got it Mocked up we posted some pics for ppl to say what they want. There was a great deal of interest expressed in the manifold, and the fact that the 4th runner was 2" short. so i took it apart and made the manifold equal length. The manifold "IS" equal length. We are out to provide an affordable solution to other company's products!
2008-01-23 20:26:42
Wow looks nice, but how do you get to the two middle bolts on the bottom side???
2008-01-23 21:15:34
Originally Posted by boostin50
We are thankful for all the constructive criticism that everyone is putting out there. Thanks for the interest! Now down to business. This manifold was build in like 2 hours, there was no design drawn up, it just came together. After we got it Mocked up we posted some pics for ppl to say what they want. There was a great deal of interest expressed in the manifold, and the fact that the 4th runner was 2" short. so i took it apart and made the manifold equal length. The manifold "IS" equal length. We are out to provide an affordable solution to other company's products!

Props from one tuner to another man on going back and putting together what the people want to see.
2008-01-24 20:29:59
We have our updated wastegate PICS!!!!!!! Let us know what you think!!!!!

2008-01-24 20:40:14
Cody tries hard, but to be honest, it doesn't have to be perfect to the 1/4", we have found from spool characteristics and dyno numbrs (albeit on honda motors) that as long as the runner lengths were within an inch of each other it was fine, so you take median runner length and plus/minus an inch.

2008-01-24 20:51:47
wow that is so sexy.
2008-01-24 21:08:23
Nice pic, what Precision turbo is that mounted up?
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