I do it out the top with no problems... if you do, you can line up the hoise on the passenger side and pull the engine at an angle it comes out like a bisexual on maury povich... easy. Never done it out the bottom.
Tips I've learned from swaps/pulls along the last few:
I don't know much, but here are a few things that helped me...
1. Def do it yourself, but if you have a friends assistance... it usually ends up being a good time, and a great learning experience.
2. Disconnect your battery FIRST... Disconnect the three connectors behind the center console, and unscrew the ecu connector & pull the engine harness through the firewall first, and that way you can trace the wires/connectors that go to it and leave them connected (and then you can pull the motor with the harness attached - and then transfer the harness on the floor).
3. Watch your axles... if they are original, when you pull them out abrubtly most likely the boots will tear and you will end up replacing them 6 months to 8 months later.
4. Get an impact gun... it saves soooooo much time.
5. Loosen your axle nuts just a little bit right before you take the car up in the air...
6. Take your time, being in a rush makes you forget things... that you might pay for later.
7. In all the excitement of getting your motor fixed its super easy to forget tightening an oil filter, filling your radiator, filling your trans, or even filling your motor with oil... Double check everything when you think you are done before you crank her up...