I was tempted to keep going with the timing, but the car is very very loud and there is no way to monitor knock at the moment. I had one guy with muffs on right up next to the engine to try and detect knock. He said it sounded healthy and wanted me to keep going. But I left at 15* according to my timing light and verified by my timing "scar" I left on the cam cap. Sure enough, all my power came back.
Just like a lot of others though... I didn't see a ton of top end gains from the housing. Looks like cams are the next restriction to figure out. If the cams don't like this housing, then I will think of something else to try. Either single-scroll larger housing, or a TS 1.06 and get a adapter plate from T3 to T4 flange. I love the response from this TS though. It feels pretty dang good to me. Totally confusing though, because the car hands-down feels faster than it ever was. The torque increase seen in 4th gear has been confirmed on the streed.