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put on my flame retardant..
i thing the probs with arp studs has more to do with tuning than the studs.
i have used both arp sets and golden eagle. if cylinder pressure gets to high your head will lift .
the gtir uses bigger bolts i would get arp studs for the gtir . arp sells low grade sets and
higher grade studs for more money and foot work
i call bull shi t on det 600hp de 500 hp
i know i put down 350 with a de for a year steped it up over 400 killed it bent the rods causing uneaven bearing wear
det did 400 2 months killed ring lands
yes agressive tuning did kill my engines .
hone that gtir block . instal mahale pistons and acl bearings . beat the living shi t of it every day
agressive tuning as in what, aggressive fuel maps, aggressive ignition maps or what. what were you using to tune your engine
i run the arp headstuds and have had no issues with them for over 7k miles, not a problem...