Originally Posted by
Not just the noise but the extra power and control. But the noise is addicting...like crack.
ahhh, I thought you were saying you like the noise each time the external flange on your manifold cracks
This will be my DD, I don't want to have something else on the car that could break. Putting a turbo on it alone adds a lot of reliability issues. As much areas I can cut down on the better. And the sound is actually something I don't want. I want the car to be as quiet as possible. Reliability > Sound + Power. For me anyways. I don't want to take the risk. Reading posts of more than one person having a cracked manifold or having to re-weld it a few times is enough for me to stay away.
The only way I'd go external is to get a custom manifold and as I said in my previous post, that's something I don't want to spend the money on at this point.
Originally Posted by
external wastegates are more accurate, better controlled, better design. i dont see a reasonm to go with a upgraded internal, because the external are so much better
I don't want to upgrade really. If the turbo came w/the stock actuator I'd probably use it. I just thought it'd be a good thing to do since I want to go internal and the turbo doesn't come w/an actuator anyways. I can go w/a stock psi actuator, but I think an upgraded one would be better.