The wires are NGK's, with NGK plugs. A mis-fire is one problem is that the car can't even go into boost. And with draw thru MAF, it points straight to a boost leak. Like I said, 14psi is likely to dislodge, or looses couplers. That's a lot of pressure in those pipes.
I'm 99.99999% sure it's a boost leak. And after closer inspection of the pipes last night I've even got a pretty good idea of which clamp/coupler it is. I just need to borrow a tool from work today, and try to get that clamp on there a little better. And eventually (as in, this weekend when I have time to actually take apart/put back together a lot of the pipes) I'll do what Tek said and spray some hair spray on them.
The plugs could be an issue too...and if they're not, they could become one. So, I think I might just do that this weekend too. Can't hurt.