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Thread: Smoking like crazy!

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2009-08-06 00:35:44
Smoking like crazy!
Alright well I took the car out for a test drive. The oil leaks a tiny bit from the bottom, but I am going to take care of that (oil return) but when I give it gas and then let off the throttle, it starts to pour smoke from the front of the motor. The smoke is definitely coolant burning off (got that sweet smell to it) Looks like its smoking from the manifold/turbo.

Coolant level is fine, oil level is fine, everything is fine. My temperature gauge doesnt work inside the car, so I cant tell if its running really hot or not.

Anyone have any ideas?

By the way, I washed the car up and got some updated pics.

2009-08-06 00:43:46
you need to get a aftermarket temp gauge, not knowing what temp you are at, and having a smokig issues could lead to some other issues..to me sounds like a blown HG, do a compression test
2009-08-06 00:53:26
check all the places where you would be leaking coolant.. is it a det or just a de+T?
If its coming from around the manifold I would just jump to the conclusion of a bad hg, its a possibility but other connections could be leaking and do you usually smell coolant when a headgasket goes?
2009-08-06 01:09:09
coolant line to the turbo tight? i'd say it's overheating if it's leaking that much coolant. It doesn't take much lost coolant to begin overheating. Especially with air pockets in the system.
2009-08-06 04:09:07
is there a lot of white smoke coming out of the exhaust..thats a good indication of blown hg. Also if it has lose of power and doesn't crank immediately.
2009-08-06 04:30:06
It's an Avenir W11 DET, I know the oil return is leaking a little bit, but like I said the smoke has a "sweet" smell to it, so I know its not the oil burning off of it. Coolant lines into the turbo are tight. It pours out smoke from the exhaust, but I have no idea at all if the HG is any good or not.

Not sure if Rocco uses SR20 forums anymore, but if he still does.... Rocco help me out bud haha

I will start the car up tomorrow, and I will video tape the smoke when it starts smoking, so you guys can see it
2009-08-06 05:06:45
YouTube - Mazdaspeed3 MS3 Bad Turbo

look kinda like that, if so bad turbo could be the problem too, i would do a compression check and see if the psi is within spec. if comp is low then bad HG, if not then probably a bad turbo
2009-08-06 05:32:38
Kind of looks like that, the smoke is coming from the J-pipe/Downpipe because its not 100% hooked up yet, still has a tiny little gap in between. The turbo spools and everything, but according to my boost gauge it will read vacuum, but it says that I am not boosting at all. So that could be a problem as well.

I will do a compression check first thing in the morning and video tape it, and show you guys where all the smoke is coming from. Check for updates tomorrow around noon
2009-08-06 17:27:58
sounds good will keep an eye out, god knows Iv blown at least 3 different head gaskets in 3 diff engines so I should know lol. (but they weren't nissans). Where did you get the motor and turbo from boostedser...and were they used or new?
2009-08-06 18:56:15
Everything was used, and I got it from Mr Spec V (Rocco) I talked to him on the phone briefly today and he told me the HG was still good, I know where atleast one of my problems are now.... video will be up later
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