I am still rocking the SC6262 .....and I love it , I feel as though I have not even seen a fraction of what the turbo is capable of , I will tell you it loves higher boost....from everthing I have seen , I other then that I am just enjoying the car ....I have been thinking of throughing a intercooler srayer on the car ( NX , or the NOS one ) to super cool the heat exchanger , and I want to get a vented hood , and I am thinking about jet hot coating the manifold downpipe and hot side , I and then either get some larger injectors and tune for E85/98 on a seperate MAP on the EMS , or do water meth also and tune more boost and just stick with the 1000cc injectors to go along with the fuel system upgrades, and if I do E85/98 I want to really see what the turbo can do , hell EVO guys have done over 700awhp on it , so I would relly like to see what it will do , and if the motor fails somehow , that would be my exscuse to finaly go up to 90mm bore and then run the 20V cams and work the head all the way over woth bigger valves and all .....but I think the turbo has a ASS TON left in it ....I am running 18lbs daily and it is a monster , at 22-24 on c16 it feels insane .....I would like to have that everyday now .....like say 550whp+ on any given day .....