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Thread: VE+t swap project ...REtuning with ALKY injection soon

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2010-04-30 04:13:44
yeah thats a good idea if its not all the way out of the guide, even then you might be able to get lucky and grab it.

Good luck man.
2010-04-30 04:44:17
They aren't magnetic, also if you put the cylinder on top dead center, that doesn't always

mean that the whole rotating assembly won't move on you if you put too much air

pressure into that cylinder. The fix to that would be to put a rachet on the crank pulley

and wedge it so it wont move. Because that's what happened to me and a buddy, we

had air into the cylinder and the piston was at tdc and the whole assembly rotated and

moved so it fell into the cylinder, so then we pulled the head....

2010-04-30 05:27:13
I got the valve ......fricken valve the roatating assembly did move , and it was the last fricken valve , and when it went I could shine light in the plug hole and see it out where the valve stem went ....I hope to get it back together tomarrow ....
2010-04-30 05:30:59
Nice, you got lucky Eric, you usually can't get them and have to pull it. Congrats!

2010-04-30 05:32:51
I did pull it up .....
2010-04-30 05:33:28
Wait... the head? or the valve?

2010-04-30 05:41:58
I had to pull the head ....I could see light up through the valve seal .....I left the turbo mani on but pulled everthign else .....
2010-04-30 05:42:43
Oh ok... i was gonna say man you got lucky if you didnt have to... oh well... =/

2010-04-30 05:47:55
yup....I am going to reuse the cometic gasket ...there is only like 200 miles on it , and I am going to reinstall the head studs , and try to get the valve spring on again , and the re asemble everthing ....
2010-04-30 05:50:49
Yeah, you won't have any issue with any of that.. Everything will be fine..

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