Leave stock yes, your ECU can't make any use of the new sensor automatically. AS in you will have to manually tune using the wideband for it to make a difference
36" is correct, otherwise the gasses are too hot.
They highly suggest you install it on the sides between 10 o-clock and 2 o-clock. The reason for this is, exhausts will always have compensation/water in them while sitting without being ran. If you install the Wideband in any other angle, water can damage the sensor.
When you ground the O2 sensor's gauge ground, make sure to take the extra effort of grounding it on the Intake Manifold. Before I had it spliced into my cigarette lighter, and it gave me bad A/F ratios. When I grounded it to the intake manifold it started working like a charm and was pretty dead on correct.
Keep in mind that the gauge ground, is the same ground that the wideband O2 sensor uses.