Originally Posted by
I'm not trying to answer for the man, but I dont think he even knows if he has one or not. May wanna talk to him personally about it.
lol i know what he is talking about its just that the numbers and the way they word it confuses me but if i look at the part i know what it is...
also the car is back to NA and it got dropped in the body shop. no smoke at all....so it has to do with a combination of a couple of things.
either my built in ristricter is to big on the banjo bolt im using
the angle of my oil drain which to me does not really seem to harsh of a angle. Looking at diffrent pics on the forum some people have there oil drain in a more harshed angled way then mine is.
theres a blockage going on somewere on my drain pipe connected to my block.
i cant really think of anything else it can be......