Your not the only one whos said the HKS SSQV is complete garbage. How are you coming to that conclusion??
The HKS to me is a nice BOV. THe quality is on par with most other BOV's out there if not better and the reliability of the BOV isnt even a question anymore with it being out for so long...whats not to like about it?? Its rebuildable, has fins to disapate the heat for people who put it on the hotside like me and is stupid easy to take apart. I cant find a downside to the BOV.
for me, its the looks of the bov it looks to me, reguardless of actual quality of the build. that and the sound of it, its annoying, i just think its overly used becuase of its sound which makes it a bad thing, just my opinion.
coming from hks quality i would expect something more, like the tial or snyapse