Sorry to revive a dead thread but the only advantage that I have heard of for recirculating the BOV (as far as performance) is better throttle response? This may be a stupid question (bare with me I'm pretty noobish :P) but what makes sense to me is that this would allow the intake to stay more pressurized between shifting or letting off the throttle whereas venting to atmosphere would waste all that pressure SO the recirc. would allow for the pressure to still be present in the piping and readily available to be forced into the TB than having it vent to atmosphere where the turbo would have to then re-pressurize the intake? I don't know if that makes sense, if it doesn't then it can be disregarded haha.
So if I understand right (again, may be a stupid question) in order to change from a draw through (before the turbo) and a blow through (after the turbo on the charge pipe) is just the placement of the MAF itself?