We did the following on Thursday night:
1. Fans came on immediately.. Checked codes
CEL: Temp Sensor - Temp Sensor was unplugged - Corrected
CEL: Crank Sensor - Oil found inside Dizzy - Corrected, installed another Dizzy
Cleared Codes & now the fans dont come on immediately..
Note: It was not a bad chip burn as suspected.
2. Configuration was changed: BC2 Cams installed & we installed E60 MAF
Installed new bin file for: DET with E60 MAF, 370INJ 4 Bar & Cams:
a. Car would not start
b. TPS unplugged = No Start
No Codes - Rechecked the chips = Good burn
Cause unknown
3. Configuration changed: Reinstalled the N60 MAF (regrounded .002).
Installed old bin file for: DET with N60 MAF, 370INJ 4 Bar Bin & raised idle.
a. Pulled rail & performed injector leak down test = No Leaks found
b. Verified fuel pressure: 4 Bar exactly
c. Verified TPS setting: .46v exactly closed
d. Car started but smoked really bad & very low idle (hunting 400-600rpm)
e. No O2 reading. Unplug TPS = normal idle @ 1200rpm
Plugged up the TPS and Jen drove the car home @ 3AM..
4. Friday's status: Car drives better... I went fishing

a. Higher Idle = 1500 @ Start; Hunting idle between 1000/1200 @ Operating Temp
b. Timing is still a little off. Will reset timing to exactly 15deg & adjust the idle over the weekend.
STRANGE series of events but we are slowly getting there! !