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Thread: Build has begun, Updated 9/14/09 Tune fixed!!!!!!!

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2009-04-20 12:39:15
ill get you some more details later, the alt doesnt even come close to the manifold or anything. The water pump is close to the downpipe but again the downpipe is double heatwrapped and it actually does not get that hot under the hood with the open vent. The dump comes down pretty far and dumps at the bottom of the bay, the water pump is about halfway up the bay. Yeah a custom sized radiator would work but it would have to be pretty short being it would have to sit up on to the frame where the condensor normally sat. But other than that a custom one would work perfectly.
2009-04-21 09:54:15
2009-04-21 21:07:58
the valve cover is awsome. thats what happens when ashton works on his car and there is extra cans of spray paint laying around lol. took a whole 5 minutes. did you spray it more after i was done?
2009-04-23 05:20:38
im curious to know, why isit that your using a ve bottom end and a de head?

also why is it that you said you have a VE bottom but your trying to get a VVL oil pump?
2009-04-23 13:43:49
lol, im using my old ve block that i overreved and smashed the piston into the valves. I had the block, i sold everything off the block including the crank. All that was left was the block.

Im using the block because it has the oil squirters just like the det blocks. Had i had a det block i would have used it, but i had this one. lol Plus the ve block has better oiling designs such as the grooved mains and better passages for the oil.

Neways i had a low milage jdm de head since i sold my thrashed ve head. I put a gtir pump on there cuz at the time i couldnt get a ve pump as greg said they were on backorder. But since the gtir pump got damaged i talked to greg and he just got one in so he exchanged it with me. Now i get the highest volume pump out there and the one i originally wanted. But it sucks i have to do the oil pump with the motor in the car, Good thing i dont really have anything on the front of the motor. but oh well, i got my pump in so that is going on tonight when i get off. So stay tuned for some vids.
2009-04-24 01:41:03
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
lol, im using my old ve block that i overreved and smashed the piston into the valves. I had the block, i sold everything off the block including the crank. All that was left was the block.

Im using the block because it has the oil squirters just like the det blocks. Had i had a det block i would have used it, but i had this one. lol Plus the ve block has better oiling designs such as the grooved mains and better passages for the oil.

Neways i had a low milage jdm de head since i sold my thrashed ve head. I put a gtir pump on there cuz at the time i couldnt get a ve pump as greg said they were on backorder. But since the gtir pump got damaged i talked to greg and he just got one in so he exchanged it with me. Now i get the highest volume pump out there and the one i originally wanted. But it sucks i have to do the oil pump with the motor in the car, Good thing i dont really have anything on the front of the motor. but oh well, i got my pump in so that is going on tonight when i get off. So stay tuned for some vids.

is there anyone here that can get the specs of the oil passageways from the VE and the angle the oil squirters have to be put in if they were to go into a de block?

Also a pictures of the oiling differences.
2009-04-25 02:49:32
well the engine is finally running with good oil pressure from the new vvl pump. I pulled the gtir pump off to find the whole back of the housing was cracked in several places. The gear could move a good 1/4 inch in and out, and you could hear the gears inside broken into pieces. Not a good thing and i should have pulled the pump off after it did that cuz i knew something was gonna be up with it. I mean it was a crapload of torque and pressure put on that pump and i know they are sensitive pieces.

Good news is that greg is revising the spacer because even the vvl pump would have the same issue with the stock spacer with the greg v spacer. He plans on making the side flat cuts to match the stock spacer so there is no problem with them crushing the pump gear. Neways motor runs good and ive put about 120 miles on it soo far with no issues, i put the s4 cams in today and they feel really good, smoothened out the car a bit in the lower rev range and of course it has the nice lumpy idle haha

Neways i love the electric water pump, the car stays soo nice and cool. It barely even starts to get up in the meter of the stock guage unit, i have a water temp guage coming in just to keep better eyes on things. But i also love it cuz when im at the track after each run i can turn the key on and let the fan and water pump cycle coolant through the motor to allow it to really cool down and alot faster too. Neways as soon as i hit the 500 miles im switching to the mobil1 15w50 oil with a mobil1 filter of course. right now im using mobil clean5000 5w30 for the breakin oil. I think its a bit too thin though but its also to allow a good ring breakin.

neways im just hoping there was no long term damage done from starting the motor twice with no oil pressure building even though it was only for 7 seconds each time. There was a tiny bit of metal shavings when i pulled the lower pan but they were the color of the cylinder walls or pistons and there wasnt many, i could have counted them all. but of course during the breakin period there is gonna be some shavings. Other than that the motor sounds great, revs up great, havent taken it past 4500 and nothing past 1/4 throttle but the motor is absolutely quiet sounding other than the overly loud exhaust, haha Ill post up some vids maybe later tonight
2009-04-25 13:08:31
Originally Posted by ashtonsser

neways im just hoping there was no long term damage done from starting the motor twice with no oil pressure building even though it was only for 7 seconds each time. ...SNIP

You have nothing to worry about as long as you used assembly lube when putting the motor together.

I ran my motor with a defective pump for damn near 1 minute with 0 oil pressure and started to hear what I thought was rod knock so I shut it down with a quickness. (It was actually the pulley grinding against the timing cover). Pulled everything apart and checked it out, and everything looked perfect, no damage whatsoever to the ACL's.
2009-04-25 15:16:35
yeah i used assembly lube all right, haha a ton of it, Yeah the acl's are a heat treated and hardened steel that is black in color and there was no black shavings at all, there were aluminum color shavings and again no many, the thing that would have been most affected would have been the cylinder walls and pistons. So yeah i dont think anything really was hurt by it, Again the motor is quiet as a whistle as far as the internals go. Ill be changing the oil later today to the 15w50 and changing filter. Im getting close to the miles and after the driving ill do today i think ill be good to go.
2009-04-26 08:29:09
well as promised here are some vids of the build in action, Enjoy, Runs were done on my 205 bridgestone potenza's in good conditon and done on a closed and very good road. Let me know what you guys think, and btw this was done on pump gas and only 14psi of boost.

YouTube - Nissan Sentra Se-r build in action Turbo SR20DET

YouTube - Turbo Nissan Sentra SE-R B13 Build in action

it still needs some tuning done, the car is running very very rich 10.5-6:1 accross the rev range and partial throttle just pegs the wideband at 10.0:1, im gonna be installing an adjustable fpr to see if i can get it to lean out a bit. Anyways enjoy
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