so your still having the same problem even with the oem gasket. Yeah you definetly need to use some new bolts or headstuds. You might as well go and purchase some anyways. Have you had the head resurfaced as well cuz if it overheated then its a big possibility that the head may have warped a bit. Id say at the least get some new stock headbolts and get a Cosworth headgasket. The Cosworth hg will work for both the fwd and rwd sr20's and it is definetly a piece of artwork. That gasket is strong as hell. There are a couple companies in the US that sell them. The one i got mine from is in California. Just google it and try to find a company that sells them. get the 87.5 mm X 1.3mm thick gasket. they come in 1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 i believe for the thickness. Dont worry about using the 87.5 mm gasket on a stock bore, It works beautifully and the fitment is awesome. It has one of the strongest firing ring, oil passage and coolant passage clamping forces out there.