Ok, thanks guys. I made some advancements in the past hour actually. Here's what I found out:
I look at the hose already connected to the BOV, and it looks like it's running to manifold pressure. So, what I ended up doing (with the help of a friend on the phone) was switching that line, to the TOP nipple on the BOV, adjusted the BOV tension, and now it actually blows off. But then it was stalling...but I found out it was stalling because I took the recirc hose off to see if I could feel the air coming out...and now I can. So, I put the recirc hose back on, and drove her. OMG what a difference! The guy I bought it from said that the most boost he was getting was 10psi...and so that's what he set it at. Well, I think I need to readjust the boost controller, because it's going to about 12psi now. Which I guess isn't TOO bad...and it's not creeping up from there...so maybe that's ok...? But oh man, it feel SO much stronger and faster now. It actually kind of scared me at one point! But, no more compressor surge, so that's a good thing.
So, really...I guess my next question is; what can I do to run atmospheric? I don't really have to...I just like the sound. But I guess the problem now is that since the maf is metering a bunch of air, and then suddenly none...it's dumping fuel, and dieing on me.