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Thread: Known cold plugs (NGK BKR7) with removable contact tip?

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2009-11-30 08:00:37
Originally Posted by kevwal
From my experience most of the earlier BMWs used those plugs without the tips. I can't remember exactly which ones, it's been a while since I touched one of those cars.

Still eagerly awaiting hearing from you. I talked to chris and he informed me that you are extremely busy with your job. Please don't forget about me.
2010-07-27 20:51:25
Hey Ashton if you want copper plugs in NGK heat range "8" with removable tops you should get the Bosch FR5DC plugs (one heat range colder than what I got) Here's a link but I'm sure there's other places to buy from.
Sparkplugs.com - Application Search Results
2010-07-27 20:52:53
So their numbers go down to be colder or what. So the FR5DC plugs are equivelent to the 8 heat range ngk pugs then huh.

Interesting. I dont mind doing that. Where did you find them at.
2010-07-27 20:55:05
Yep the heat range numbers for Bosch go the opposite way (see post #17 for explanation).

I had to buy mine online at sparkplugs.com (see direct link in post above) but I think Amazon.com even has them and stuff. Maybe Summit Racing? You're not going to find them local I guarantee it.
2010-07-27 20:56:37
So what about the post saying they were not working well or did that turn out to be something else. Denso doesnt make a plug that does that either huh. Ive used denso plugs on other cars and they work well.
2010-07-27 20:59:18
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
So what about the post saying they were not working well or did that turn out to be something else.
Yah I was blaming CAS disc issues on them. The plugs were actually fine. It was the CAS disc that was the problem the whole time. (I'm actually just getting to those updates in my build thread real soon.)

They aren't awesome plugs, but they should work.

Originally Posted by ashtonsser
Denso doesnt make a plug that does that either huh. Ive used denso plugs on other cars and they work well.
Yah the Denso plugs didn't solve my problem (but they made things a little better). The Denso Iridium plugs are fucking amazing plugs, but they are fucking amazingly expensive to go along with that. =]

Go with the Bosch coppers.

If only NGK made removable tip plugs still, they are almost as good as the Denso Iridium plugs but a fraction of the cost.
2010-07-27 21:04:43
maybe someone should contact ngk and tell them to get with the times. hahahaha

Im such an ngk fan i dont know if i can go to anywhere else. lol nah its alright.

Ill try the bosch 8 heat range ones.

So is that the actual number of the plug FR5DC

If so ill go from there and just get two sets of those then.
2010-07-27 21:09:55
Thanks for the link. Set of 8 ordered. Sucks to have to pay $10 for shipping but oh well. I guess if its the only way. lol. Im just being cheap. These little things are what gets you.
2010-07-29 11:00:57
I'm not a huge fan of Bosch plugs as I used to work for a Bosch service center for 7 years. I can confirm exactly what ben said with the removeable tips and their heat range scale. The older Euro cars all used them but have mostly switched to NGK.... Wonder why? LOL. That is a basic plug that they have been making for years so you shouldn't have a problem. I do believe that denso does have removeable tip plugs in that heat range also and they are not that expensive although the bosch cost me like 1.05 a plug so it's worth a try. Bosch has also recently switched to a stupid system of 4 digit numbers like ngk's stock numbers so if they work try to see what it says on the top of the box because they are trying to phase out the longer number system that actually says the heat range in them. You may always be able to cross refrence the numbers but haven't found out for how long.
2010-08-19 02:03:03
Originally Posted by BenFenner
FYI: I finally found a set of spark plugs that are the right heat range and will work with the COP. Just trying to keep track of part numbers. I had to order them from www.sparkplugs.com which wasn't really a big deal. I will be doing that from now on. Used the SR2009 Convention discount too. =]

I just got these on sale at Advance auto for 1.29/plug
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