I've just put a new turbo set up on my car...520cc @ .4 bar fp, n60 maf, and a calum basic ecu. I burned chips for this set up per calum's .bin file. I set the fuel pressure according to the fsm on my nismo fpr. Only code being thrown is for the maf. I wired it according to the jwt 300zx maf diagram and checked voltage on the maf. From what I could tell the voltage and resistance seem to be within specs. My problem is that I can't keep the car running long enough with the maf plugged in to really test it. If i unplug the maf it runs decent, just a little miss but not too bad (I'm sure part of this is the plugs, they're fouling out really really fast). As soon as I plug the maf in it stumbles on it's face. Should I just replace the maf or is there a problem w/ the program or what? The maf was purchased from someone on here. At a dead end. I also checked my wiring on the maf thinking that maybe it was wired up backwards on a hungover day but it is all wired right. I also am running the stock bov at the moment and it is leaking during idle on my blow through set up, but the maf should still function shouldn't it...