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Thread: MAP Sensor and Vac Mani

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2008-12-17 19:30:33
MAP Sensor and Vac Mani
I've been running my car without a MAP sensor connected for a bit now, doesn't feel all that different, the ScanGauge reads 14.7 all that time

Anyway my DET didn't have a place for it to be Teed into, I don't want to Tee it into the FPR , Boost is already there haha.

So instead I've been thinking about a VAC Manifold.

What do you guys think, is that piece worth the money?
2008-12-17 19:45:45
that's a pretty nice piece. $29 isn't bad, although you could probably make that yourself very easily.
2008-12-17 19:46:59
First explain what you're doing with a MAP sensor.
2008-12-17 20:07:23
what code do you get? I have mine hooked up and I get p0105 if I boost too long. BTW this is on a 99g20. I'm assuming you have the same sensor though. I have ran with it disconnected and nothing changed. This is emissions I think and has no control over A/F like other cars.
2008-12-17 20:25:28
Originally Posted by Doctor
that's a pretty nice piece. $29 isn't bad, although you could probably make that yourself very easily.

Making one yourself would probably be around the same price, buying bunch of T's and then using connectors etc. haha

Originally Posted by BenFenner
First explain what you're doing with a MAP sensor.

Ha I was expecting someone to catch on, Nissan's may not use MAP sensor for say A/F monitoring but they do have them. It is labeled as the Boost Sensor, the sensor is located by the cruise control thingy. The original line was Teed into the vapor canister and EGR lines.

Originally Posted by robj80
what code do you get? I have mine hooked up and I get p0105 if I boost too long. BTW this is on a 99g20. I'm assuming you have the same sensor though. I have ran with it disconnected and nothing changed. This is emissions I think and has no control over A/F like other cars.

No code for me, but I like to return everything to the state that it was in before the engine swap. I'm not sure if the '96 ECU even uses the sensor, but 99 did something with it haha.
2008-12-17 20:33:12
Vadin is this the sensor on the firewall? If so it's suppose to be disconnected as JWT instructions
2008-12-17 20:40:36
It is used for emissions in the late OBD2 models. It isn't necessary anymore now that you switched.
2008-12-17 20:45:02
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Vadin is this the sensor on the firewall? If so it's suppose to be disconnected as JWT instructions

Buddy you disconnected the wrong sensor lol. The sensor you disconnect is the one in the back of the car:

Originally Posted by wnwright
It is used for emissions in the late OBD2 models. It isn't necessary anymore now that you switched.

Ahh gotcha, hmm so it is kinda useless.

What about Vapor canister, I'm thinking of hooking that up to the system somehow too
2008-12-17 21:50:51
No Vadim, they say remove the absolute pressure sensor which is on the firewall. Which on it says boost sensor.... Look at the instructions again
2008-12-17 22:19:07
Yea Likethemovies is right... instructions say to remove also....

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