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Thread: Admin Lock plz!

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2008-12-12 03:01:41
everyone here is just retarded, benfenner ur just an AZZ cuz i sure as hell know u didnt make this dam forum, so just eat my sh*T when i drop it off at your place...and sqd u do have good points and not really trying to argue with u, im just saying that we cant all afford good stuff and if i could, i sure as hell wouldnt be running ebay stuff, but if it works for me right now then im happy. u do have a badass car i give u that...
Rob im sure u have money if u can say what u just did, so i dont give a flying fuk about u, cuz if i can build me a motor with a 600 budget and can beat your ass i wouldnt mind, it might blow up but oh well ill just prove my point...i dont want to have a bad reputation on here so ill just leave it as that...and STOP HATING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
2008-12-12 03:04:07
oh yea, and the only cheap sh*T i have is my waste gate and turbo but they work great!!!
2008-12-12 03:50:13
for the record, didn't greddy say they went out of business because of cheap chinese knockoffs?

I haven't put anything on my car from ebay, and suprise, nothing has ever failed. I beat the **** out of my car religiously, and put over 10K miles this summer alone on her including hundreds of drag practices and canyon cruises. Not one failure. I can't say it would have failed with the ebay stuff, but I can say that my money was well spent.
2008-12-12 03:57:31
I think it is better to wait and save and buy it in pieces , then to use the knock off pieces ...I am not saying using a holeset or other cheaper brands that still have kind of quality , not these china knock offs , this site is not about being cheap , it is alot about going fast on a budget ( for some of us ) but when doing it , shop smart you can get used sc61s on this site for around 600.00 dollars or less , I would rather see you guys buying t28s t25s ( real garretts) which are fairly cheap then some knock off crap , I think if you want to do it on the cheap , OEM is where it is at for us ...just shop smart guys , I would take a GTi-R manifold any day over some chinese knock off , or hell look at this .....


vs. taking a chance on these knowing thier reputation ...
Nissan Performance Racing Products for International Sales from SSAutochrome Inc.
2008-12-12 04:13:09
Originally Posted by oneslose-r
BenFenner ive had garret turbo's and i just bought a holset.

Originally Posted by oneslose-r
how am i such a terrible person for runnin an ebay turbo
Let me get this straight. I'm talking about knock-off turbos. A turbo manufacturer that doesn't do any R&D of their own. Buying one of these ruins our hobby. I don't need to explain this to you. You've had it explained to you enough times in this thread. You're too thick headed and stubborn to allow the information to sink in. Either that or you understand what's going on and still think buying knock-offs is a good idea. Either way, your type is not welcome here.

Originally Posted by oneslose-r
i'll listen to sqd and anyone else with an impressive car. but i wont listen to someone that just reads things on the internent and wants to chime in.
Wait a minute here. You'll listen to someone else who has an impressive car over me because I don't? Even though I may have the correct information?
Did I say you were thick headed already?
Oh I did?

Originally Posted by oneslose-r
my car runs great on an ebay turbo, i'm breakin off 400+whp cars left and right.
Good for you.

Originally Posted by oneslose-r
so why should i listen to someone that tells me my stuff is junk.
Because they know more than you do?

Originally Posted by oneslose-r
you havent ever seen it or ridden in it. so all the haters can suck my nuts.
We don't have to ride in your car to know you're sending money to the wrong people, and running questionable quality products.

Originally Posted by oneslose-r
maybe one day when mommy and daddy racin sponsor's me, i can have a nice turbo.
But until then, you'll harm the industry that fuels our hobby?
That's not a good way to gain respect around here.
2008-12-12 04:21:02
Originally Posted by xsk8er123
everyone here is just retarded, benfenner ur just an AZZ cuz i sure as hell know u didnt make this dam forum,
I never claimed I did. You're not welcome here and I told you so. I don't have to be the forum owner to glean this nugget of truth.

Originally Posted by xsk8er123
im just saying that we cant all afford good stuff and if i could, i sure as hell wouldnt be running ebay stuff, but if it works for me right now then im happy.
Many of us can't afford the parts we want. We don't go running to knock-offs though. We wait, and save, and practice patience. We find a way to buy legit products used, or damaged and repair them. There are many ways to skin a cat. You pick the most selfish way, and you're getting shamed for it. Such is life.

Originally Posted by xsk8er123
i dont want to have a bad reputation on here so ill just leave it as that...
You gained a bad reputation the moment you read the arguments in this thread against supporting knock-off products and ignored it, continuing to support their purchase. That sort of refusal to learn isn't a respected quality around here.

Originally Posted by xsk8er123
oh yea, and the only cheap sh*T i have is my waste gate and turbo but they work great!!!
I don't care how well they work frankly. That is not the point.
2008-12-12 04:26:05
I have been buying parts for years ....and I have poured my heart and soul into my car, I think the desire to have it turboed know , drives many to cheap out and use the knock crap ,because money becomes an issue ....but it all goes back to you want to play you gotta pay I wish you all the best of luck with the componetes you choose but choose wisely
2008-12-12 06:55:44
Originally Posted by BenFenner
I didn't believe for a second you got your rotors from eBay (which isn't a bad idea by the way)

Funny how you can suggest to buy other parts from ebay, but manifolds you can't. (from what I've seen and been around the ebay turbos are junk. However they could've changed for the better.)

This forum needs rep power like zilvia had, I'm sure you'd be tenting over that.

People can say want they want, take it with a grain of salt. Forums are for ALL people, and for you to dictate who to be on here shows your true colors. Don't get me wrong, you've posted up some useful information, but the other half is you bitching.

2008-12-12 07:57:26
you tell him jaker!!! hahahaha
and to benfenner also, i dont have another car to drive so i had to get her running soon! thats another reason why i had to go cheap, nothing wrong with that is there??? cuz u sure sound like u know everything, do i have to ask permission to buy an ebay turbo from u, or can i grab my own balls and do what i want?
how am i getting shamed for it? nothing has broke yet, i have had no problems with it at all, and its been running for about a year, its funny how u say that i have already ruined my reputation though, i guess ur the god right now and can predict the future of the forum for me!!! your are the ZHIT
!!! one more thing! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR AZZ BIATCH!!!!!!!
2008-12-12 12:49:16
^^^ dude lay off man, there could have been alot of good info on this thread but it was ruined. Its fine if you wanna use an ebay turbo, your the one risking it and noone else. All that was said is you could have still done a good budget turbo setup had you still used a name brand turbo. So continue to use what your using and when it breaks the only one that will be saying anything is those that told you so.
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