In my opinion more water is always better if you have room for it. Especially for a roadrace car, or a street car. If its a drag only car you dont need much because you are only running it for short periods of time and can empty it out or add ice between runs. I was planning on getting a 5 gallon fuel cell for my old system, which would have brought the total system volume to 7gallons. Just put a large res. in the trunk. I basically filled it up and drove, i checked the water every couple of weeks and changed it every few months or when ever i was at the track and added ice.
I agree with wnwright in the only major downside to water is the fact of once it becomes heat soaked it takes a long time to recover and become cool again. AKA stuck in traffic with little to no actual air moving over the heat exchanger besides the hot air/exhaust of the car in front of you which your fan is trying to use to cool the water. Which this situation always happens on very hot days, for me anyway. If you have a good amount of water this isnt a huge factor.
There is a company that has air to air units with bungs on them for running c02 or n20, I wouldnt see why one of those couldnt work. I am not sure without actually having one in front of me though. The company if i remember correctly is s-max or somthing like that and they have a pretty nice cool can as well which could be utalized with a block of ice or possibly dry ice.(without water) Summit racing and jegs also has cool cans which are usually used for fuel, but i dont see why you couldnt add one of those with ice, or dry ice as well as a heat exchanger, and res. to further aid in cooling when at the track.
The stock cars have decent systems but i would bet if you even added a gallon to one of their systems it would help out a great deal. The newer celica all tracs also had a water to air intercooler as well as some of the t birds.
Coheed, The only thing i would worry about with your set up is the amount of power you are putting down. I would think a stock like heat exchanger would be way too much of a restriction to try and flow however much boost you are slamming through it. I would get one of the larger spearco or precision turbo units or an ebay one your choice, run one of the larger ebay heat exchangers in the location where your a/c codensor was, put your fans on that and run a large res 5+ gal res in the trunk, and a good pump. With the large res you could put alot of ice in at the strip or when ever you go racing and have awesome air intake temps. If you make your set up similar to coaches old one or the one i had you will have verly little intercooler piping which should also aid in response. These are just my recommendations from my experiences and also a friend of mine with a s/c and water to air set up on a 600whp porsche 928. He wishes he could fit a large heat exchanger in the front of his car. Its hard to squeeze a fart into that engine bay let alone anything on top of whats already in there.
Blairellis, that looks like a ford truck trans. cooler if i am not mistaken. Some of the focuses also had a similar unit which was smaller. I did alot of poking around at the local junkyards trying to find coolers. One thing i was looking at was some of the larger motorcycle radiators, or any powersport radiator. Some of those could also be had cheap and sould work pretty well.
Just my .02
I agree with wnwright in the only major downside to water is the fact of once it becomes heat soaked it takes a long time to recover and become cool again. AKA stuck in traffic with little to no actual air moving over the heat exchanger besides the hot air/exhaust of the car in front of you which your fan is trying to use to cool the water. Which this situation always happens on very hot days, for me anyway. If you have a good amount of water this isnt a huge factor.
There is a company that has air to air units with bungs on them for running c02 or n20, I wouldnt see why one of those couldnt work. I am not sure without actually having one in front of me though. The company if i remember correctly is s-max or somthing like that and they have a pretty nice cool can as well which could be utalized with a block of ice or possibly dry ice.(without water) Summit racing and jegs also has cool cans which are usually used for fuel, but i dont see why you couldnt add one of those with ice, or dry ice as well as a heat exchanger, and res. to further aid in cooling when at the track.
The stock cars have decent systems but i would bet if you even added a gallon to one of their systems it would help out a great deal. The newer celica all tracs also had a water to air intercooler as well as some of the t birds.
Coheed, The only thing i would worry about with your set up is the amount of power you are putting down. I would think a stock like heat exchanger would be way too much of a restriction to try and flow however much boost you are slamming through it. I would get one of the larger spearco or precision turbo units or an ebay one your choice, run one of the larger ebay heat exchangers in the location where your a/c codensor was, put your fans on that and run a large res 5+ gal res in the trunk, and a good pump. With the large res you could put alot of ice in at the strip or when ever you go racing and have awesome air intake temps. If you make your set up similar to coaches old one or the one i had you will have verly little intercooler piping which should also aid in response. These are just my recommendations from my experiences and also a friend of mine with a s/c and water to air set up on a 600whp porsche 928. He wishes he could fit a large heat exchanger in the front of his car. Its hard to squeeze a fart into that engine bay let alone anything on top of whats already in there.
Blairellis, that looks like a ford truck trans. cooler if i am not mistaken. Some of the focuses also had a similar unit which was smaller. I did alot of poking around at the local junkyards trying to find coolers. One thing i was looking at was some of the larger motorcycle radiators, or any powersport radiator. Some of those could also be had cheap and sould work pretty well.
Just my .02