Originally Posted by
^^Like they grow on trees.. lol
The p10 trans should be fine. Now if you have the $750-1200 to spend on a p11 trans and you can *find one it would be a bonus.
Never seen a P10 tranny grow on a tree myself.
If he gets a P10 tranny it will break with turbo. Its not the HP that breaks it is the torque. Anyone who has had a turbo car with any of the early trannys knows they will not hold up. So you buy another one and another.
$400 x 3 = $1200 with alot of work and time wasted. Also fewer trannys for the community.
$1200 P11 tranny and it is done and over with, will not break.
I have a P11 tranny full converted to cable with my clutch braket on it to stop missed and grinding gears. $1300.
Actually I have a few of them. They grow on trees here is S FL, but the P10T ones dont.