pulled the codes today on the u13, with calum basic. I got rear o2 and egr which is no big deal, i've spoken with him about this. But I also got front o2 and the park neutral switch. I just put a brand new o2 sensor in it so I know that it has to do with the way it is wired up. I took the Bluebird harness o2 connector off and spliced it into my extension so I would have a plug on both ends and swapping the o2 would be simple. Is this the reason why I'm not getting a reading from the o2? The car is running really rich throwing out 4 ft. flames and getting horrible gas mileage. Is there a certain guage wire that i'm supposed to use for the extension? Guy at advance said that these o2 sensors are very particular about the length of the wires. Would I be better off just using a wideband and a piggyback to tune and not even worry about the o2? Park neutral switch is no biggie i'll just replace it.