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Thread: decided to hide my zex.... in broad daylight

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2009-09-04 03:45:03
decided to hide my zex.... in broad daylight
had this going on

had an idea to hide my zex kit by making it look like an msd box
so i picked p a can of red paint and used some stickers from a 6al box

topped it off with this

nitrous line

obviously someone who knows wat a 6al box looks like would know whats up, but other than that i dont think its too bad
2009-09-04 03:58:35
hahaha I love it
2009-09-04 03:59:55
That's awesome..
2009-09-04 17:28:45
great idea!
2009-09-04 19:12:00
That's pretty slick haha.....You would not even notice that at night.
2009-09-04 19:15:02
Cool idea, just didn't get the right color red from the looks of it. (not even close)
2009-09-04 21:11:36
lol nice job. looks good
2009-09-05 03:47:34
sneaky bastid heheh
2009-09-05 06:45:36
LOL This is funny!!!
2009-09-05 08:54:12
Originally Posted by BenFenner
Cool idea, just didn't get the right color red from the looks of it. (not even close)

i didnt primer it, so alot of purple showed through, i did it at 4 am so i didnt really notice how purplish it looked untill morning, i'm just gonna pull the sticker back off and repaint it
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