hey i drive a 200 ser and i've started having some trouble with it whenever i turn my ac on my battery light will turn on to and it blows out hot air does anyone know why its doing that and how to fix it
There could be many reasons for this but you could start by checking the battery and alternator. The a/c is drawing more power when its on so if the battery or alternator is going bad then that may make the light go on.
There could also be a short somewhere.
You should some how see if the ecu is throwing any codes and test the battery and alternator.
i bought a new battery and terminals and put them in yesterday, the alt is good but now the battery light is staying on and when i put the e brake down the brake light is still on
Originally Posted by BORNGEARHEAD Double check your battery connections are tight
and clean. I've swapped batteries before and all of a sudden the car won't crank. Connections were tight and didn't look dirty but cleaned them up and it fired right up.