I have a friend in Crestview who has a b14. The head is now probably cracked. I think the best course of action is to just put a motor in it. I'm not sure which route she will take (standard sr20 or ve), but either way, we are going to have a limited time to do the swap once we source the engine. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to help out with the swap one weekend? We can probably find a way to put people up for a night if people are willing to stay for the second day of the transplant if needed. Also, I'm not sure when this will be happening, but there will be a few weeks or a month notice, and it will be on a weekend. This is just a preliminary feeler to see who can help. Crestview is about an hour east of Pensacola on I10. Anyone up for it? Anyone have any suggestions on sourcing a reasonably priced engine?