Originally Posted by
g20boy1020you ppl are a bunch of e thugs that have no clue what they are talking about or know what happen.
No we are not. Not even close dipshit. We are a tight-knit community that looks out for its own. We do not like, nor tolerate, theives like you.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020first what happen with me and chill is like 3 years old after we made a deal he backed off and i had lost the cams in a car fire...ever since he backed off i try to work things out with him in other ways
So you have owed him....$100.00 for three (3) years. Yet you had the time and money to modify two (2) vehicles? The one in the fire, and now this one that you are parting out.
You're a despicable peice of sh*t.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020but littel by littel we stop talking...until now that he thinks dose are his cams when they are not and they were not mine either they came off my brothers car that came with the cams...
So you quit communicating with a creditor. That in no way, shape, or form excuses your failure to pay the man what you owe him. That responsibility to stay in touch with, and pay, your creditors is yours and yours alone.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020ive pm him(befor the ethugs came in) telling him that if he still wants to work something out to let me know and im yet to get something from him
Drop the pity-party and defensive-driven accusations against this collective forum. We are not e-thugs, and coming from a low-life theif, the assertion is laughable.
Now it is Chills fault that you have not communicated properly with him, and after 3-years that burden of responsibility is on his shoulders? Is that what you want us to believe?
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020so if you ppl would stop jumping to this stupid allegations of something you know nothing about let me get back to selling the parts...
No. You
will not be selling any parts on this forum Sweet Cheeks. After this current round of posts that are drenched with excuses and bullshit, you should be
permanently banned from the entire SR20 Community. Your name and status as a scumbag posted on all related sites.
Originally Posted by
ChillMy issue with the situation was 3 years ago. You are correct, and we had deals that both of us did not follow through with. My biggest mistake was leaving the cams. I request only a small $100 for the cams and I didn't even get that.
Instead, according to you, the car blew up and the cams were in it. So that negates me getting anything back for my cams I guess. I distinctly requested a measly $100 for BC stage 2 cams... and got nothing.
He flat-out owes you the hundred bucks. Now. Not later. Not when it is "convenient for him". Right now, before he is so much as allowed on our forum. Right now before his name is righteously dragged through the mud on every Nissan site on the web.
Originally Posted by
ChillBut I forgive you and I am moving on. But whatever happened to other customers you've had is on you. Luckily I'm probably the nicest person you've ever dealt with. good luck.
You can forgive him, that is noble of you sir, however he is still a theif.
I have no doubt whatsover, he has ripped off other folks as well. It is in his mindset of entitlement and justifications.
Unlike you sir, I am in fact one of the meanest, nastiest, dangerous, violent motherf*ckers you have ever met outside of prison walls. Further, I can light a hundred-dollar-bill or several of them on fire and it will not affect my lifestyle, or current or future expenditures, no one single iota. Not a bit. However,
on principal alone, if this low-life fuckstick owed me a hundred bucks for three (3) years, while his sorry ass was modifying two (2) seperate vehicles, he'd have a slip and fall accident. A very,
very bad one.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020i had no need to lie to you back then
Flat out, you did lie. Scumbags do not need any reason to lie, they lie because it suits them and they don't give a fuck about anyone else.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020and i have no need for it now im not the type to screw any one over and i told you that at the time, i was going through some real hard times and i couldnt meet your request
You are in fact screwing over Chill. Ripping him off for a hundred bucks. Period.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020but i thank you for being the bigger person and ending this...
This is not over by a long shot Cupcake. Chill has no say-so in the matter at this point. You are a theif, attempting to sell products on our forum. It is out of Chills hands now. You are exposed and all your excuses, crawfishing, lying, procrastination and whining will not disguise or camoflage that fact.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020i would but im in a tight spot at the moment and i have a family to worry about
You've been in a tight spot for three (3) fucking years Sir Shithead.
That is a mealy-mouthed excuse. Go put on some hot-pants, a tube-top, and sell your ass or mouth down on the corner if you have to.
How about Chill and
his family? Where was your interest in
your own families welfare while you modifed two (2) seperate vehicles in the last 36-months?
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020i will take care of chill but all i can offer at the moment is my labor as i am a self employed auto technician but is up to him...
You have not taken care of Chill over a 3-year timeframe. You are plagued with excuses and filled with the bullshit dribbling out of your pie-hole and sliding down your chin.
Your labor is absolutley worthless to Chill. He can wrench himself. So you are as good as offering him nothing. It would be like you volunteering to beat the living shit out of someone for me. Worthless.
Originally Posted by
g20boy1020thanks for the free bump...
Go fuck yourself while eating a steaming pile of fresh shit you smug, arrogant, glib ass-clown.
You are a pathetic excuse for a human being Twinkles. A lying sack of shit. An amoral scumbag attempting to impersonate a human being with a sense of right and wrong.
Pay Chill what you owe him.
Shawn B