thanks everyone for the quick replies. when i bought this car the switch thing for the clutch was jumped. I pluged it back into where the clutch pedal goes and nothing. I was just now able to start the car no problems. I put a safty pin in the switch and she started up right way. Still i do not want to do this. Not sure what could be wrong.

Originally Posted by
Your saying the starter doesn't want to crank over? If this happens, put the car in fourth gear and rock it back and fourth. Then try to start the car. Sounds like your starter is going bad and it coincidentally acts up when you go to get gas here. If the starter is trying to crank then your getting bad gas.
Thanks man i will try this next time. I know the starter is good, i just replaced it.

Originally Posted by
Check your engine-to-chassis ground first thing.
I will check into this, thank you

Originally Posted by
Interesting that's something I haven't heard of....
Me neither