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Thread: 2 B13 SE-R shells $200 obo

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2010-08-23 13:20:03
2 B13 SE-R shells $200 obo
not mine..
b13 sentra ser shells
2010-08-23 14:51:25
With that low a price, I wonder what's missing from them...
2010-08-24 03:52:44
Do u have the titles for the cars and r they real sers or just se do u have any pic
2010-08-24 09:54:43
Originally Posted by georgeb13
Do u have the titles for the cars and r they real sers or just se do u have any pic


He said the cars were not his.
2010-08-24 18:55:36
HMMM...would one of these be white with no front bumper???
2010-08-24 19:52:03
i talk to him yesterday, i cant get ahould of him today. hopefully i can get him on the phone today
2010-08-24 20:31:28
got text replies: Both the shells are white, one has brakes and one does not, he's gonna get me pics and VIN #'s...claim to have both clean titles.
2010-08-25 02:56:08
I went to go see them today and they have been sitting in the guys yard for more than 2days, both are white and look like hell. One of the white ones has a sentra E front bumper with a black ser trunk and what seems to be some kind of aftermarket exhaust. the other one is just damn. Both cars are far from being saved... maybe somebody who need rear disc conversions
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