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Thread: Price drop!b14 stocks just painted $150 firm

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2010-07-14 09:42:46
Those are caliper covers out of abs plastic
2010-07-14 16:29:28
Originally Posted by Joekuh
LOL swags. If I had space I'd pick these up.

not those I'm talking about an old set. I still have all the ones i got recent
2010-07-17 01:58:44
2010-07-25 00:04:59
2010-07-29 00:51:57
Any offers
2010-08-02 02:36:04
2010-08-06 03:58:14
do you have clear close up pics of all 4 wheels so I can see if these are worthy of being sent off to be powder coated?
2010-08-07 01:04:15
I guess I can take closer pics,I'm using my iPhone
2010-08-12 23:43:22
all right holmes, I know this will be a pain in the ass, but I'll take them for $150 + shipping if you can pull the tires off. I will get my own tires, don't wanna pay the extra shipping for the weight of the tires..

and then you can sell the tires seperately for more money..
2010-08-13 01:38:20
Sounds goods send the $150 then I'll give you the shipping qoute and what zip code dadecountysfinestcc@yahoo.com
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