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Thread: S2k vs vet

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2010-05-18 20:27:52
S2k vs vet
Just askin... Who do you thnk would win between an s2k wit bolt ons or a b13sr20vet
2010-05-18 20:29:28
VET all the way. Should have asked about a VE, that would have been a harder question.
2010-05-18 20:31:14
Originally Posted by FLb13hp
Just askin... Who do you thnk would win between an s2k wit bolt ons or a b13sr20vet

Or det
2010-05-18 20:34:04
With a real child's DET the S2k might have a chance, otherwise the DET is gunna come out on top. I'm assuming ricer highway race here.
2010-05-18 20:57:51
Yup its a honda thing... the guy in the s2k claims its a vet. its on youtube - YouTube - S2000 vs sentra sr20vet
2010-05-18 22:32:01
that might be a na ve. i cant necessarily hear a turbo from the clip. but on the flip note, i have seen bolted ves in both b13s and b14s beat s2ks. i have seen spec vs with i/h/e beat them as well...
2010-05-18 22:44:59
My S2000 had I/E. Jamal's Bolted on VE 200SX and me were right beside each other the whole time we raced on the way back home from the convention.

Now a Fully Bolted on S2000 Vs A lightly Modded t25 or t28 VE on low boost will be a good race. I picked up about 25whp from 8500 to 9k with just a tune from my SAFCNeo. Thats serious. But if the sentra can keep up out of the hole it will walk away
2010-05-18 22:59:51
s2k's seem like one of those cars that can be fast with the right driver. I've seen them barely eek by i/e si's. However, i'm sure whoever was driving was a tool who bought the car to get female attention.

Anyway, a vet should def walk a bolt on s2000.
2010-05-18 23:13:33
turbo kills vtec
2010-05-18 23:45:02
I beat a s2k c/r edition and he was on a 75 shot. I was just running a t-25 on 18psi and BC2 cams. I put 2 or 3 cars on him.
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