Not a good month for SR20 powered cars it seems!?!?!?!
Well I am just crusin down Bird rd goin to eat at Arebetter Hotdogs. I was stopped at the light infront of shorty's BBQ giving the lady next to me directions on how to get to Coral Way when SMASH!!!!!! Some younger girl maybe 20 driving a Acura integra rear ends me! I was dead stop at a F#$King red light!!!! pull over jump out start talking to her, she said her dog was the reason she crashed. The cop got there evrything was cool with the girl(Insurance and all that impportant stuff). It was nice when the cop got there he keep telling me how clean my car was and that he used to have one and that it was his favorite car out of all the cars he owned! Long story short the street are not safe for use!!!!!!!!