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Thread: ***Markham Park meet 12/12/09 canceled ***

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2009-12-12 01:42:00
Not even that.... I mean honestly... What does a meet cost you? Some people $20-30 fill up. Which you are going to do anyway. Food is $5 if that and $1.50 to get into the part. And for the most part most of the people that come are in the Miami Dade Ft Lauerdale area. So there are no excuses other than not giving a damn.
2009-12-12 01:53:13
Originally Posted by Sentrixx
Not even that.... I mean honestly... What does a meet cost you? Some people $20-30 fill up. Which you are going to do anyway. Food is $5 if that and $1.50 to get into the part. And for the most part most of the people that come are in the Miami Dade Ft Lauerdale area. So there are no excuses other than not giving a damn.

excellent post wayne, this was exactly what i was thinking but the way i was gonna word it it might have been offensive.

for someone like me in my position, setting up a meet in the south Florida's people backyard for THIER convenience was my point.

I could have easily made a thread saying meet will be held at some random park in St Lucie county, but if i did that i know for a fact NO ONE will show up.

So the next best thing is to set up a meet in Broward, 1/2 way between PBC and Miami-Dade county.

but i gues even then it's too much work to attend
2009-12-12 02:43:34
this blows...i came home a day early from disney and now its not happening (pissed face)
2009-12-12 02:46:25
This suck iv got 13 of my boys to call now
2009-12-12 03:08:04
well, think of it this way guys, better to learn about it before the meet then after...

i was stoked about it since sept. and ppl just started to drop one by one as it came close ( you guys know who you are ) ....oh well, at least we know who would have been down and who would have not
2009-12-12 03:20:12
Why don't u guys just meet anyways??? From THE FRIEND that has to organize everything that me and my buddies do, I can tell you that you can never satisfy everyone. Sometimes you just have to pick a date and just stick to it no matter what, not even when so and so now has to work or so and so has a family emergency. If you guys have enough heads, why not meet anyways???
2009-12-12 03:22:27
Just now from Bahamassr20's 13 and the few others crying "Awww ****" thats like 20 people right there....Just saying.
2009-12-12 03:45:18
damn i had about 20 to from other sites
2009-12-12 03:51:34
dam this sucks, probally still will pass, some peeps might not see this cancelled message....lol..
2009-12-12 04:22:26
yeah but this is the end result of people either not committing , are undecided, or just wanted to have an excuse to get out of it.

I mean how would attending for a few hours ruin thier day?

personally i am driving 2 hours one way everytime there is a meet at markham, some guys that live in broward or miami-dade can't make it even tho it's practically in thier back yard , i guess just don't give a damn.

sux we aren't tighter like back in the day

oh well
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