A full set of injectors should be sent out at all times. They shoul be cleaned, balanced and flowed as a set. They can even modify the spray pattern too. Yes, use RC. [url]www.Rceng.com[/url] .
You are right, they are normally within 10% of each other. Being the racer that I am, I have to know it right. After getting back a full set I can always tell the driveability has improved with initial trottle response.
Originally Posted by SERacer You are right, they are normally within 10% of each other. Being the racer that I am, I have to know it right. After getting back a full set I can always tell the driveability has improved with initial trottle response.
Thats becasue the cleaned the screen. Which can be done with simple brake cleaner.
Also just put the nose of the inj in the brake cleaner and if there is any varnish it will come off
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