Originally Posted by
AndreasWell why the hell cant they come down to Miami and see new cars they have not seen and meet friends they have met on the board.
Again Serban there is another side to this.
Lastly let me say this in oposition to you coment. Show me the most beautifull model and show me the man who has been having sex with her for the last 2 years and I will show you a guys who is tired of having sex with her.
You are seeing the same damn crotch here in Miami thats what you get everyday so when you go some where else you see something diffrent and for that time the new crotch feels great.
Well these guys have been seeing eachother for a long time so let them come and see new people.
Thats the truth in your face.
GOD knows thats the truth!!!
the same cooch get's boring!
i've read the SERCA thread...and i can honestly see where you (andreas) are coming from, in regards to a check & balance system.
When money is involved, especially contributions...their should be accountability. Andreas brought up some great points about some of the funds "probably" being mishandled. And that's expected when someone/or goup has power and the money at their discretion. But it' doesn't mean that it will be tolerated. I commend Andreas for having the SERCA heads "auditted", it is something that should be done, repeatedly!
As for FL being left out of the scene of SERCA...i have heard the stories from here and from Rob before. and it is pretty f*ked up that FL has been passed even when members had inquired about trying to get a meet setup down here.
IMO, Andreas is just trying to make things fare and balanced for everyone in the community, and nothing is wrong with that. I know many who have dealt with Andreas before and from their experiences he is a straight-up person. Same scenario here...he is being open about the concerns and is just letting everyone know he's fed up with SERCA.
and until SERCA can back their stance on the claims that's ben made against them with proper eveidence.....this situation on a whole is viable.