Here is a list of all of the Manufacture Part Numbers matched up to their Nissan Part Numbers.
Now if you open up TunerPro, or any other tuning client, load your BIN, scroll down to the ROM Label, you will get a HEX number.
36 34 59 30 31
Write those numbers into a HEX to ASCII converter and you should get back the ECU part number for that specific BIN.
If your ROM label doesn't match up to the part number that's on the ECU label, you need to find a tune with the same ROM label as your physical ECU and move over the changes (maf, injectors, k value, tables, etc.)
Nissan changed the code for ECU's throughout the years. While the tune it self (maf, injectors, k value, tables, etc.) generally stayed the same.
Want to see the differences?
Click on Tools, then Difference Tool, select two BIN's to compare and click Search. The objects in Black are the ones that are defined in your XDF file, the items in Blue is the actual code changes. You want to have no blue values between your ECU's stock BIN and your modified BIN.
Now if you open up TunerPro, or any other tuning client, load your BIN, scroll down to the ROM Label, you will get a HEX number.
36 34 59 30 31
Write those numbers into a HEX to ASCII converter and you should get back the ECU part number for that specific BIN.
If your ROM label doesn't match up to the part number that's on the ECU label, you need to find a tune with the same ROM label as your physical ECU and move over the changes (maf, injectors, k value, tables, etc.)
Nissan changed the code for ECU's throughout the years. While the tune it self (maf, injectors, k value, tables, etc.) generally stayed the same.
Want to see the differences?
Click on Tools, then Difference Tool, select two BIN's to compare and click Search. The objects in Black are the ones that are defined in your XDF file, the items in Blue is the actual code changes. You want to have no blue values between your ECU's stock BIN and your modified BIN.
Last edited by Vadim
on 2014-10-10
at 18-15-38.