How To Datalog TP with Nissan Data Scan for B14's.
Here is a quick guide on how to get TP to data log in Nissan Data Scan on B14's. This worked with Real Time Ecu's, should work with Basics too, but I can't guarantee that.
B13 guide can be found here.
First thing's first, backup your current XDF file, it will save you the trouble. Then open up TunerPro.
Select a location in Tables/Functions where you would like to add the new table to. Right click and select Insert New XDF Item.
Create a new Table and save the XDF File, exit TunerPro.
At this point we are going to cheat but only because it will save you and me a lot of time. Generally you do NOT want to manually modify the XDF file, in this case it shouldn't cause any problems. If it does then you might just have to manually enter it through TunerPro.
Open up the B14 XDF file with your Notepad and search for "New Table".
Add the following information right under "000002 UniqueID =0x7BD9" in your XDF file then save it.
Start up TunerPro and you should see a new table.
When you double click on the table you should see a long table with a bunch of values. The register that we have in mind is "OA", which is "O2 Sensor RH". B14's don't have a right hand O2 sensor, so it's a free register. Any of the registers with "FFFF" are unused.
For B14's the TP value is "314E", lets put that into OA. Note you can get TP values for other cars here.
Save your bin file and upload it to the ECU.
Start the car and fire up Nissan Data Scan, get connected and and click on Settings -> Data Display.
A new window should pop up, click on Test for live registers. This will start scanning for all of the registers, Make sure Register A is supported.
Click close and add the new gauge to the list of gauges to display.
Show all of the gauges and now you should see your TP and can data log it!
Something to keep in mind is, if you use another register the values might not be in the simple easy to read format. O2 Sensor RH seems to be spot with the TP value wise.
Big thanks to these two threads for pointing me in the right direction.
How to: add TP streaming on B13/S13 etc ecus - SR20 Forum
Data Logging Theoritcal Pulsewidth (TP) with Nissan Datascan - Nissan Forums: Nissan Enthusiast Forum
B13 guide can be found here.
First thing's first, backup your current XDF file, it will save you the trouble. Then open up TunerPro.
Select a location in Tables/Functions where you would like to add the new table to. Right click and select Insert New XDF Item.
Create a new Table and save the XDF File, exit TunerPro.
At this point we are going to cheat but only because it will save you and me a lot of time. Generally you do NOT want to manually modify the XDF file, in this case it shouldn't cause any problems. If it does then you might just have to manually enter it through TunerPro.
Open up the B14 XDF file with your Notepad and search for "New Table".
Add the following information right under "000002 UniqueID =0x7BD9" in your XDF file then save it.
040005 Title ="FE00 - Consult Data Registers"
040011 DescSize =0x1E
040010 Desc ="Listing of consult registers."
040050 SizeInBits =0x10
040100 Address =0xFE00
040150 Flags =0x2
040200 ZEq =X,TH|0|0|0|0|
040203 XOutType =0x4
040304 YOutType =0x4
040205 OutType =0x3
040210 DecimalPl =0x0
040230 RangeLow =0.0000
040240 RangeHigh =25.0000
040300 Rows =0x28
040305 Cols =0x1
040320 XUnits ="Address"
040325 YUnits ="Register #"
040330 ZUnits =""
040350 XLabels =(null)
040352 XLabelType =0x4
040354 XEq =X,TH|0|0|0|0|
040360 YLabels =00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,0F,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27
040362 YLabelType =0x4
040364 YEq =X,TH|0|0|0|0|
040660 XAxisMin =1000.000000
040670 XAxisMax =1000.000000
040760 YAxisMin =1000.000000
040770 YAxisMax =1000.000000
Start up TunerPro and you should see a new table.
When you double click on the table you should see a long table with a bunch of values. The register that we have in mind is "OA", which is "O2 Sensor RH". B14's don't have a right hand O2 sensor, so it's a free register. Any of the registers with "FFFF" are unused.
For B14's the TP value is "314E", lets put that into OA. Note you can get TP values for other cars here.
Save your bin file and upload it to the ECU.
Start the car and fire up Nissan Data Scan, get connected and and click on Settings -> Data Display.
A new window should pop up, click on Test for live registers. This will start scanning for all of the registers, Make sure Register A is supported.
Click close and add the new gauge to the list of gauges to display.
Show all of the gauges and now you should see your TP and can data log it!
Something to keep in mind is, if you use another register the values might not be in the simple easy to read format. O2 Sensor RH seems to be spot with the TP value wise.
Big thanks to these two threads for pointing me in the right direction.
How to: add TP streaming on B13/S13 etc ecus - SR20 Forum
Data Logging Theoritcal Pulsewidth (TP) with Nissan Datascan - Nissan Forums: Nissan Enthusiast Forum