I was going to say I highly doubt that was UPS, but it clearly was. Overgoods is the part of the company when a box is broken open and contents are lost they go there, but seems as if they figured out where they came from and forwarded them on..and looking at the return address on the package I would assume the damage happened in Florida
@canx2k I would have bolted down the transmission vs just screwing it down..regardless this is inexcusable and if it happened in my facility I would have gone and raised hell with the sort managers to help you out some..but I doubt it came thru my building..im sorry dude..
also, if something like that breaks the person that has to fix it doesn't have access to any sort of tools like a screw gun or anything..they are only armed with basic shipping and packing materials aka boxes, fill, and a tape gun..its not an excuse I know, just some info that's all..