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Thread: The Ultimate 6 Speed Swap Thread...Parts/Instructions/Results!!

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2013-06-01 17:37:48
Originally Posted by unijabnx2000
After going through this, maybe having the knuckles modified to fit the b15 bearings and using b15 hubs would be easier.

x2 I have to agree with you on this. I actually initially bought b15 knuckles but they came out of a non spec v sentra, so using the dss hubs was cheaper and I could use my nx brake conversion. But I think I will definitely go later on with the full spec v knuckles hubs and brembo brakes.
2013-06-01 18:00:26
I am completely lost. I am not sure if I am understanding this correctly... b13 resplined hubs will not work with the Sepc V axles?
2013-06-01 18:27:20
Originally Posted by SE-Rawkus
I am completely lost. I am not sure if I am understanding this correctly... b13 resplined hubs will not work with the Sepc V axles?

They do its just at the inner portion of the splines (axle side) where they end it is to large and it does not allow the inner bearing race to sit against the axle so you have to grind that section so the hub can be installed further and get proper preload on wheel bearing when you torque the axle nut down. If you do not do this you will have a ton of wheel bearing play it was so bad on my car that even my brake pedal traveled further down because of it.

Oh and BTW I have a B14 so its not just the b13's that this happens too.
2013-06-01 20:54:33
B15 axle - top
B13 axle - middle
the "part of bearing the hub are pressed inside" over - on the B15 axle - bottom

The lengths are very close... But the "hump" at the end of the splines on the B15 prevent the hub from going all the way to the back.

Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2013-07-31 at 04-23-47.
2013-06-01 21:06:19
So just grinding the axles down after the splines to allow it to slide all the way in should work just fine then. That's not too much to do. Just one more thing to add to the mass axle/hub confusion. lol
2013-06-02 00:16:03
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
So just grinding the axles down after the splines to allow it to slide all the way in should work just fine then. That's not too much to do. Just one more thing to add to the mass axle/hub confusion. lol

Yes just grind it down but in the last pic that unijab posted that is what you want to achieve with the hub installed the race sitting flush against the axle. I found this out while using a press I pressed the races onto the hub then installed the hub/and races onto the axle this is when I figured out that the race did not sit against the axle.
2013-06-02 00:59:25
Yeah. That would be very obvious as the axle is what loads the bearing taking all the play out. Thats what i was worried about. At least its now been test fit and defermined what needs to happen.
2013-06-02 01:54:31
Uh oh...I guess I'm going to keep my b15 hub setup on until this gets resolved..thanks for posting
2013-06-02 21:34:12
Gotta wait for it to cool off and then figure out what the popping noise is when I turn...
2013-06-02 21:55:08
Seems like the driver side spec-v axle is too long. It seems to be "grinding" when I turn right. It can compress anymore during turns.

What do y'all think of taking the spec-v axle and have it chopped in the center and then welded back together?
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2013-06-02 at 22-19-03.
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