bringing this back ... ive done this swap on my b13 and had it working for a lil while but now I took it apart and I notice that a third bolt hole was used in your thread? im trying to look for that location and its not there for me.. Im talking about the upper bolt that's by itself that's circled.. the only spot I see where you can screw in a bolt is where the stock pedal was located.. when i install my hydro pedal that screw hole does not line up by a mile so I cannot use that same location.. is the hole circle a b14 only thing? ive only been using the 2 bolts and now ive notice that my pedal is really flexing under the heavy duty clutch setup. I need more support....so that third hole is a must for me.. that's the reason I had to take it apart. And see if that's the reason why im having my shifting issues on the p11 tranny