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Thread: What is your guestimate on what i will run.

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2008-10-07 23:48:24
lol yeah oh well, its weird that soo many people have boosted as much as i did on pump and i do straight race gas timing at 15 deg, bkr7e's and an a/f of 11.6:1 accross the board and it still detonated. i just dont get it. ive been having some serious problems with the tuning on the calum ecu, the programs i was using was for a 370cc @4bar, and a 520cc @4bar, now here is the thing, i had to have the fuel pressure at 46psi not 59psi which is 4 bar to keep the car from sputtering out under full throttle in 1st and 2nd gear, it would just flood out, also i had to have the vac line to the fuel pressure reg off. or it would do the same thing under boost. with all that done my a/f was perfect accross the board, i dont get it, is the tune that far off. its weird, with my fuel at 46psi vac off it ran soo strong, 11.8:1 accross the board under wot.

Oh well i guess turbo just doesnt like me, haha i had my fun though and i will say it was a blast, and i might possibly go back once i have the finances to do so. probably a de/vet 2.1L build full out 8.5:1 pistons, rods, everything. That way these stupid things wont happen again and it will be more reliable. But hey im gonna go enjoy a 190-195whp vvl with a 75 wet shot. Nitrous has always been good to me and its very very easy to tune for and the SR loves it and can take it all day long. So yeah
2008-10-08 04:40:44
well the tune calum gives, is something to get you going not something to drive around on and boost it all over the place

i still think your goal was unrealistic
2008-10-08 05:48:17
i understand that part, his tunes for the most part are all dyno proven even his base tunes, what was weird was that when i first got it it was just fine and didnt sputter at all, but then did it, it wasnt anything to do with the motor or any parts that run it, it was definetly something with the tune, cuz once i lowered the fuel pressure and got it steady with no vac line attached it was fine and ran awesome through every gear, 9psi was strong i mean you guys saw the vid, the acceleration in the vid you can easily tell is good for a high 11, now when i upped it i was spinning to over 100mph, on 9 it was to about 75-80mph, tires in the same condition on the same street, but the motor just couldnt handle it. I had to fine tune it myself which is what alot of people have had to do i know.

but its just weird is all im saying, and as for my goals they really arnt if you take into account the weight and driver of the car. Its more about that than anything. But hey to each thier own, i just had goals, im not dissapointed that i didnt even get a shot to accomplish them just more bummed that this crap happens, haha but im over it, and i will enjoy a different setup just the same, vvl has been getting attached to me lately, haha
2008-10-08 07:25:09
you deff better hit me up when you got out ashton...no one ever does anything out here in az lol


call me and ill bring my car out there, i should have my clutch and other crap in by then
2008-10-08 07:53:16
i knew something was gonna break from the begining.. my buddy Ameca was right..

i think u owe him 30 bucks..
2008-10-08 13:25:13
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
lol yeah oh well, its weird that soo many people have boosted as much as i did on pump and i do straight race gas timing at 15 deg, bkr7e's and an a/f of 11.6:1 accross the board and it still detonated. i just dont get it. ive been having some serious problems with the tuning on the calum ecu, the programs i was using was for a 370cc @4bar, and a 520cc @4bar, now here is the thing, i had to have the fuel pressure at 46psi not 59psi which is 4 bar to keep the car from sputtering out under full throttle in 1st and 2nd gear, it would just flood out, also i had to have the vac line to the fuel pressure reg off. or it would do the same thing under boost. with all that done my a/f was perfect accross the board, i dont get it, is the tune that far off. its weird, with my fuel at 46psi vac off it ran soo strong, 11.8:1 accross the board under wot.

Oh well i guess turbo just doesnt like me, haha i had my fun though and i will say it was a blast, and i might possibly go back once i have the finances to do so. probably a de/vet 2.1L build full out 8.5:1 pistons, rods, everything. That way these stupid things wont happen again and it will be more reliable. But hey im gonna go enjoy a 190-195whp vvl with a 75 wet shot. Nitrous has always been good to me and its very very easy to tune for and the SR loves it and can take it all day long. So yeah

I am in the same boat as you and I know for sure what its the problem I have found that on stock pistons you cant go any leaner than 11.2:1 and also the base timing have to be 14 deg and also knowing for sure the car is on timing mode because if not you are going to crack ring lands all the time like i did too even on DET 8.5:1 pistons or the solution to cracked ring lands is Forged Pistons since they hold a little bit of detonation..
2008-10-08 13:32:59
yeah its not just that but here is my theory, forged pistons work in two ways, one being lower compression, two being forged aluminum, aluminum disipates heat a hell of alot faster than cast iron, the design holds up to detonation better period. I think i would have been more than fine at this boost level with 8.5:1 forged pistons. It would have taken it all day long with that a/f ratio. At first my af was 11.0-3:1 and it would just sputter out like it was rich, once i slowly leaned it out it stopped the sputtering out. It could have been a timing issue but i think 15* is plenty safe, people have been up to 17* on race gas with this much boost. So yeah i dont get it. period, i think it just hates me and is waiting for a nice setup. Next boosted motor i come out with is going to be bullet proof and make 400whp all day long.
2008-10-08 19:21:39
.... Um, sorry about your car man. Hopefully you get it up and running soon....
2008-10-08 20:02:56
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
yeah its not just that but here is my theory, forged pistons work in two ways, one being lower compression, two being forged aluminum, aluminum disipates heat a hell of alot faster than cast iron, the design holds up to detonation better period. I think i would have been more than fine at this boost level with 8.5:1 forged pistons. It would have taken it all day long with that a/f ratio. At first my af was 11.0-3:1 and it would just sputter out like it was rich, once i slowly leaned it out it stopped the sputtering out. It could have been a timing issue but i think 15* is plenty safe, people have been up to 17* on race gas with this much boost. So yeah i dont get it. period, i think it just hates me and is waiting for a nice setup. Next boosted motor i come out with is going to be bullet proof and make 400whp all day long.

Do you know you a/f was for sure 11.0-3.1 do you have a data log of the wide band and what wide band do you have? My car used to start to lean out a little when it got hot ( I don't know why) but it would then detonate. I think something probably caused you to lean out and then boom. I always run my wide band data logger and e-manage data logger at the track so if it goes boom I know what went wrong.
2008-10-08 20:35:24
Originally Posted by Payu
I am in the same boat as you and I know for sure what its the problem I have found that on stock pistons you cant go any leaner than 11.2:1 and also the base timing have to be 14 deg and also knowing for sure the car is on timing mode because if not you are going to crack ring lands all the time like i did too even on DET 8.5:1 pistons or the solution to cracked ring lands is Forged Pistons since they hold a little bit of detonation..

I have never had any problem with stock pistons. My B14 was boosted for 3+ years, stock DE, 15 degs base timings, 15 - 17psi on 93 octane, 11.5 - 11.8 AFR's. My last B13 was the same thing, when I dynoed it, it was 12.0 across the board, ran like a champ @ 20psi on pump..
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