You and me both. I wouldn't go past 18 psi on a typical setup and would run less and less the more efficient I made everything else. He knows that though as he said he was nervous running 20psi.
If you can't hold 20 psi to redline that's a sign the turbo is giving up, and no doubt at 20 psi. Cams may help you get power earlier in the rev range but I wouldn't expect any more peak power from them while keeping the T28 turbo. You're probably pushing 325 whp or so and that T28 just doesn't have any more left to give.
Great times! I'm always excited to see what may be possible with my T28 setup when I finally get it in. Sorry for my ignorance but what chassis are you on, and more importantly what transmission?
Edit: Woops, I didn't read this far into the thread yet. I completely agree with Payu.
Originally Posted by Payu
You will see same HP that you have at this time but with lower boost level with cams springs and retainers lets say you have 330whp now at 20 psi then you will have 330whp at 15psi but you wont see 360whp out of your t28... You will need a bigger turbo to get more whp than you have at the time because your trap speeds demonstrate that you are at the limits of your turbo.. So you will have to upgrade the turbo in order to get more power just my .02
If you can't hold 20 psi to redline that's a sign the turbo is giving up, and no doubt at 20 psi. Cams may help you get power earlier in the rev range but I wouldn't expect any more peak power from them while keeping the T28 turbo. You're probably pushing 325 whp or so and that T28 just doesn't have any more left to give.
Great times! I'm always excited to see what may be possible with my T28 setup when I finally get it in. Sorry for my ignorance but what chassis are you on, and more importantly what transmission?
Edit: Woops, I didn't read this far into the thread yet. I completely agree with Payu.
You will see same HP that you have at this time but with lower boost level with cams springs and retainers lets say you have 330whp now at 20 psi then you will have 330whp at 15psi but you wont see 360whp out of your t28... You will need a bigger turbo to get more whp than you have at the time because your trap speeds demonstrate that you are at the limits of your turbo.. So you will have to upgrade the turbo in order to get more power just my .02