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Thread: Summer Slam Etown B1 Class winner here!!!(07/01/12)

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2012-07-03 02:41:10
Big Ups.
2012-07-03 03:37:12
Great job man. What was your bracket ET?
2012-07-03 08:45:27
12.99 and quicker. I wanted to run the 11.50 index class but after the first run I decided to race brackets.

Next month there's an event at island drag. I'll be ready for that
2012-07-03 20:11:40
Good shit Dave! Happy for you man. Now that school is done, I will try and make it out more often as long as it doesn't conflict with work. Keep it up brotha!
2012-07-03 23:14:44
Well island next month will be the next one. The owner will have no choice to drive because i'll be racing my baby
2012-07-03 23:22:15
that sounds far but ima try and make it there gota try different track atco and englishtown startin to get old so see u there for sure dave hopefully manny will come with me
2012-07-04 00:20:15
Ya my bro, dad and uncle go every year and this will be my first. Flying out weds to CT to hang at our friends shop auto authority then head down for pan ams after

Originally Posted by Manny
Originally Posted by S@nt0s
Summer slam will be crazy but I'm waiting for the Pam ams I'm flying out there for that one

Shoot me a pm if you make it to Pan Ams,also you may want to come for the fall nationals. Both are great events,the best 2 events of the season.
2012-07-04 12:12:08
Originally Posted by Dave_SR20
great job dave [/QUOTE]

thanks bro. Where were you?[/QUOTE]

i was busy moving...was going to go and hold it down in the bracket class with the altima lol
2012-07-04 12:22:12
It was going to be 2 nissans on the final ( other was a old school z) but he red light on the semi. That could could have been you Bro lol
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